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008592:Hot Melt Powder 120g
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TPU Hot-Melt Adhesive Powder


Usage: Hot- melt adhesive powders act as a very adhesive glue when heated and can allow you to apply transfers in situations where otherwise they would not adhere.


There are several methods for adding them to transfers, depending on the type of transfer and the type of powder.

Finely ground adhesive powders can be mixed with the ink before printing, generally 10-15% powder by weight. This is the usual method with puff transfers and for transfers which will be foiled.

More often the adhesive powder is applied to the surface of the transfer after printing. The most common is to fill a box large enough to hold a transfer with adhesive powder an inch or so deep.

After printing the transfer, pass the paper through the box, scooping it under the powder in such a manner that the entire printed surface of the transfer is covered with the adhesive powder. Shake the excess powder back into the box as you lift the transfer out, then gel the transfer.

You can also fill a large salt shaker with adhesive powder and shake it onto the transfer, coating the ink thoroughly. Remember to shake the excess powder off the transfer back into a box for re-use before passing the transfer through the dryer.

Weight: 120g/bottle
Melting Point: 85
/ 185

Storage: Seal preservation in cool and dry place.



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