KWD-808 I electronic acupuncture treatment Multipurpose health device with 6 channels can be used as a substitute for acupuncture and/or hand massage. It improve blood circulation in general, eliminate pain and spasm and strengthen the body's resistance to disease It can also help in treating chromic arthritis, strain, stiff neck, lumbago headache, toothache impotence, insomnia, shoulder pain numbness of extremities trigeminal neuralgia, sciatica intercostal neuralgia, tiredness of eye and general tiredness Meanwhile it is a new type of nature treatment and healthy product. |
Features 1.The device is very safe and efficient in treatment because of its output pulse. Waves featuring low voltage, low frequency and having the same frequency range as the body. 2.There are 5 types of pulse waves to be selected: Continuous wave Dense-disperse wave Intermittent wave Ripple wave Respiration wave 3.Four kinds of wave combinations can be used at the same time ort separately, and the output of each one can be regulated independently. In order to strengthen the effect, please get the two outputs or more crossed to use. |
included 1.One acupoint detecting pen 2.6 output electrode wires 3.2 in inserting output slectrode wires 4.4 pieces of electorde sticker( size 50mm*90mm) 5.A set of instruction manual, acqupoint figure 6.One 9V (DC) adaptor for110- 220V power supply |
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