DNA Molecular Model


This Double Helix is a scientific model of B deoxyribonucleic acid, which is the most common form of DNA. 

As a teaching mode, it can be used to demonstrate different structural units of DNA:

1. Sugar-Phosphate Backbone, which consists of alternating Sugars (Deoxyribose) and Phosphorus.

2. Oxygen and Hydrogen molecules linking Sugars and Phosphorus.

3. Nitrogenous bases- Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine and Thymine. Nitrogenous bases, Thymine and Cytosine, are known as Pyrimidines; and another pair, Adenine and Guanine, as Purines. Each Nitrogenous base attracts its complementary base: Adenine bonds with Thymine and Cytosine with Guanine.

4. Hydrogen Bonds in between complementary bases: Adenine and Thymine form two hydrogen bonds, and Cytosine and Guanine form three such bonds (in the center of the ladder).


1.Height :23.6inch   Diameter:7.8inch

2.This product can disassemble, stitching, very convenient for teaching demonstration.

Item# Description QTY Unit Note
230214 DNA Molecular Model 1 set กก