110V Vacuum Leakake Testing Machine Leakage Tester of 

    Packages Cans Sealing Performance Testing Machine


This tester is for the sealing performance of packages, bottles, tubes, cans and boxes in food, medical, chemical and automobile industries.
The cover is made of high-quality 316 stainless steel. Its vacuum state can be held quiet long without constant working of vacuum pump.








Vacuum instruction range: 0~ -100kba.

Resolution: 0.2kba.

Notice: when your vacuum pump gives a pressure below -75kba please stop the machine.

Time control range: 0~9999 Sec. 0~9999 Min. 0~9999 H. Resolution: 1 Sec. Default time setting of testing is 3 Min.





You can purchase the matching vacuum pump in our ebay shop to get the best performance.




Item included(025026):
110V Vacuum Leakake Testing Machine Leakage Tester of Packages Cans Seal Performance Testing Machine