2T Lever Chain Block


This chain block is a portable lifting device easily operated by hand. It is suitable for using in factories, agricultural production, and in wharfs, docks and storages for fixing machines, lifting cargos, and loading and unloading goods. It is especially advantageous for lifting work in the power supply is not available.

The chain block can be attached to a trolley of any type as a travelling chain block. It is suitable to monorail overhead conveying system, hand traveling crane and jib crane.




High Quality, good performance

Whole steel plate is pressed gear, high efficiency
High quality assemble tech, small contact
Reasonable design
Capacity 2T
Standard lift 3M
Running test load 3T
Min. distance between clasps 444MM
Chain pull to lift full load 314N
Number of load chain fall lines 2
Diameter of load chain 6MM
Package weight 19kg
For safe operation must keep rules as follow:
1.Don't use two or more hoists to lift one weight 6.No twisting.
2.Don't lift any load exceeding the rated capacity of the chain block 7.Don't use when the chain is kinking
3.Don't hang anything on the block or tie on the chain line 8.To avoid accidents, working or passing under a lifting load is strictly forbidden
4.Don't pull up too high or too low 9.In case of the hand chain fails to move, don't pull it violently or by increasing force. Stop operation and proceed inspection of the chain block
5.Don't get the load dragged of the crossing 10.No wild throwing or rough handling the block

Item Included:







Chain Block

1 set 2T 6M