CPR Baby Infant Training Manikin PVC Model


Infant training model for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

Oral and nasal passages allow realistic nose-pinch, head-tilt, chin-lift,

and jaw-thrust required for mouth-to-nose ventilation

Foreign-body airway obstruction feature allows release of foreign-body obstruction

to be practiced through back blows and chest-thrust techniques

Disposable airways for sanitary use and easy clean up



Science education products incorporate applied math and science principles into classroom and home school-based projects.


- The model teaches cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) of infants.
- Its oral and nasal passages allow realistic nose-pinch, head-tilt, chin-lift,

and jaw-thrust required for mouth-to-nose ventilation.
- It is ideal for teaching and studying by doctors or other medical professionals.

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Item Included

CPR Baby Infant Training Manikin PVC Model(220397)

Item Number Description QTY Unit Note
220397 CPR Baby Infant Training Manikin PVC Model 1 set